
Pellevé is an age erasing innovation wrinkle treatment that targets existing signs of aging with advanced radiofrequency technology. This unique method uses gradual radiofrequency waves to increase collagen production and tighten sagging skin for a more youthful complexion. The Pellevé treatment is comfortable for patients and provides impressive, almost instant results in the overall texture and appearance of the skin.

You can use this anti-wrinkle treatment to target mild to moderate age lines on the face and neck. It requires no anesthetics or medication and is a safe and effective anti-aging treatment with minimal side effects or discomfort. Each Pellevé skin tightening treatment lasts between 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the number and size of the areas being treated.

The Pellevé non-invasive wrinkle treatment delivers advanced radiofrequency waves at a gradual pace to the dermal tissue, heating the skin to improve existing collagen and encourage the formation of new collagen. These changes also lead to the tightening of sagging or crepey skin and a reduction in the severity of wrinkles.

The Pellevé treatment is often described as feeling similar to a warm massage with minimal to no discomfort or side effects. During this non-invasive wrinkle treatment, the Pellevé GlideSafe handpiece is massaged around targeted areas while you act as a guide to the depth of the heated sensation.

Before receiving this non-invasive wrinkle treatment, consult with your doctor on the usage of certain topical medications or products. Also, make sure you are well hydrated prior to your appointment.

After the procedure, you may experience mild swelling and a slight pink coloring to your skin. It is safe to apply makeup immediately after the Pellevé treatment and you can even resume your regular activities. The best way to maintain your results is by wearing a daily sunscreen to prevent future photodamage and return for maintenance treatments as needed.

Because everyone’s needs are different, the number of treatments will also vary. Optimal results can be achieved with 4-6 monthly treatments, with the estimation that one treatment for every decade of age would be indicated, e.g. 4 treatments in your 40’s, 6 treatments in your 60’s will yield optimum results.  The treatment stimulates collagen for up to six months, so the best result will be seen 3-6 months after the series.

Pricing per area:

Partial Area     $200

Full Face         $300

Face & Neck*   $500

Body Area      $300

Package pricing is available.

*Same-day treatment

Call 406-294-9660 today for your complimentary consultation!


PelleFirm is an FDA-approved, non-invasive treatment for the body that helps to temporarily reduce the appearance of cellulite in stubborn areas. The procedure uses pain-free radiofrequency technology to help create a smoother, firmer appearance.

Similar to the Pellevé treatment, PelleFirm uses a handheld device to help elevate tissue temperature up to around 113 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat, when coupled with mechanical massage heads, helps to improve the lymphatic drainage that causes cellulite.

The heating and
massaging actions also help to repair existing collagen and stimulate new, healthy collagen production. Each treatment session takes approximately 30 minutes. PelleFirm is virtually pain-free and it requires no special preparation, after-care or downtime. Patients achieve optimal results over a series of four to six sessions with additional periodic sessions to help maintain results.

PelleFirm is FDA-approved to temporarily improve the dimpled appearance of cellulite as well as skin firmness, tone and contour. It can help smooth and tighten skin on nearly any area of the body, and it is ideal for targeting stubborn problem areas such as the abdomen, arms, thighs and glutes. It can also help improve loose, sagging skin in hard-to-target areas such as the neck.

PelleFirm is safe and effective for those men and women who wish to address cellulite and enjoy tighter skin. However, the treatment is especially ideal for those patients between the ages of 30 and 65 who have mild to moderate skin laxity and cellulite. It’s a great option for those who would simply like to look their best, whether the treatment is in preparation for a special event or a part of post-pregnancy rejuvenation. PelleFirm may also benefit those patients who have received liposuction in the past and would like to address the loose, crepey skin that may have been left behind.

PelleFirm is designed to temporarily improve the look of cellulite and firm loose skin, but the effects are long-lasting. Most patients see noticeable results after just one session and visible improvements with each subsequent session. After your initial four to six sessions, you can expect to enjoy your PelleFirm results for about six months with the occasional additional session to help maintain these results.

Pricing per body area: $400

Package pricing is available.

Call 406-294-9660 today for your complimentary consultation!